“We’re Not in a Crazy Junior Gold Bull Market…Yet,” says Dr. Nicole Adshead-Bell

Mining Stock Education · “We’re Not in a Crazy Junior Gold Bull Market…Yet,” says Dr. Nicole Adshead-Bell

“Despite the strong gold price environment we are in, a lot of juniors in the gold space are still really struggling…to raise money. That to me shows we are not in a crazy bull market. A crazy bull market is moose pasture in the middle of nowhere being able to raise thirty million dollars at a drop of a hat. To me that is the sell signal…we have not yet seen the generalist into this sector,” shared Dr. Adshead-Bell. She also provided commentary on the best practices for investing in the junior gold mining sector.

Nicole Adshead-Bell is the Director of Cupel Advisory. She is a PhD geologist by trade and has worked in the resource sector for more than 24 years. Her roles within the sector have varied from analyst to M&A facilitator to junior resource company board member.

0:00 Intro

1:06 US Election’ impact on resource sector

2:27 Newmont’s 2nd project sales

10:47 Recent M&A and where we are in the cycle

19:57 Porphyry vs low tonnage/high grade copper projects

24:22 Impact of Re-Domiciling of Solaris Resources

29:05 Understanding jurisdictions

31:39 Is it time to buy marginal ounces in the ground?

36:15 Importance of strategic investors

39:58 Breaking bad investor habits in 2025

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