Five Professionals Explain How Mining Investors Should Use Analyst and Technical Reports

Mining Stock Education ยท Five Professionals Explain How Mining Investors Should Use Analyst and Technical Reports

Five Professionals Explain How Mining Investors Should Use Analyst and Technical Reports in this MSE episode. You will hear a compilation of the wisdom from selected professional investors featured on MSE dating back to 2018. Their timeless advice can help you discern truth and avoid mistakes when making your mining investment decisions.

0:00 Introduction

2:27 How to use analyst company reports (Michael Gentile)

3:54 Can you trust sell-side research reports? (Tyron Breytenbach)

7:08 Where dishonesty most frequently surfaces in official regulatory filings (Warren Irwin)

10:54 Key things to look for in a technical report (Tyron Breytenbach)

13:55 How to vet a Definitive Feasibility Study (Rick Rule)

18:29 Why you must discern bias and usefulness of the mining investment content you consume (Bill Powers)

20:59 How long does it take non-technically trained investors to gain the knowledge needed to be successful in the resource sector? (Dr. Rob Stevens)

One Comment on “Five Professionals Explain How Mining Investors Should Use Analyst and Technical Reports”

Jeff B says:

Investing in mining is not that easy. Buyer beware. These reports by analysts and even the DFS 43-101s usually make the deposits better than they are when produced in order to attract sucker capital. An interesting backtest would look at what percentage of mines produce at a rate or greater than of DFS expectations and I would not be surprised if that figure wasn’t much higher than 30%. One example I know who was lying on their size of deposit was Collosus Minerals on the Serra Pellada deposit which I shorted and all of the gurus loved but it can be a challenge to find them.

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