How to Network Your Way into the Best Junior Mining Deal Rooms with Tommy Humphreys

Mining Stock Education · How to Network Your Way into the Best Junior Mining Deal Rooms with Tommy Humphreys

Tommy Humphreys reveals how you can network your way into the best junior mining stock deal rooms.  He discloses his personal struggles, strategies, and stories from his journey as a Vancouver outsider to one now sitting amid the deal room.

In this MSE episode, you will learn the initial steps and proven strategies regarding how you can begin to develop your network for junior mining investing success and improved deal flow.  You’ll be inspired by Tommy’s personal stories, challenged by his example, and given a paradigm you can employ.

Tommy Humphreys is now a self-described “Vancouver stock market insider on the hunt for the next Big Score.” He founded the popular mining investment website, which he sold in 2021. His current work can be found at

0:00 Introduction

0:56 Can average Joe retail investor network his/her way to success?

9:08 Manipulative flattery vs genuine compliments while networking

10:28 Online bitter brigade often misses out on the deal room

11:12 Dynamics of the relational exchange while networking up

17:21 Take initiative: relationships open doors

24:46 Initial actionable networking steps

26:15 Start with a Twitter account & business card

30:50 Potential mentors might test you first (or slam the door in your face)

35:50 “I was not giving up” after rejection

38:19 How to get invited to a site tour

44:29 “If you have a vision, you can work towards it.”

46:01 Develop your networking goals

49:02 Nobody is completely self-made: friends and mentors provide a hand up

51:01 Even Rick Rule was given a hand up in his early years

52:41 Don’t sell your soul in pursuit of profit

55:11 Breaking into the Howe Street Good Ole Boys’ club

1:02:00 Tommy networked into a deal room that yielded a multi-million-dollar win

1:06:06 “There is always room for somebody that has the best customer service.”


1:09:27 It takes pursuit and patience to uncover junior mining gems

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