Pro Mining Investors David Lotan & Michael Gentile Share Insights, Tips & Advice (45-min roundtable)

Mining Stock Education · Pro Mining Investors David Lotan & Michael Gentile Share Insights, Tips & Advice (45-min roundtable)

Strategic resource investor David Lotan and Michael Gentile share mining stock insights, tips and advice from their decades of experience investing in resource companies. Have a listen to this 45-minute roundtable discussion hosted by Bill Powers and Brian Leni of

David Lotan is the President of LHI an investment company focused on natural resource opportunities. In his previous career David was the founder and CEO of the structured finance operations of Polar Capital – a Canadian merchant bank and alternative asset manager, acted as a portfolio manager for the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and was a risk management consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers focused on commodities and rates. He is a Chartered Accountant and CPA and also the non-executive chairman of Aurion Resources.

Michael Gentile has 20 years of Investment Management experience and has spent the last 3 years being an active strategic investor in the metals and mining sector. He takes an active role in transforming and reinvigorating high potential exploration companies through 19.99 percent ownership stakes, board appointments or strategic advisory roles. In August 2021 Michael became a founding partner and senior PM at Bastion Asset Management (BAM). Bastion offers fundamental bottom up long short equity strategies to institutional and high net worth investors. Michael is currently a strategic advisor to Arizona Metals (AMC) and a director for Northern Superior Resources (SUP), Roscan Gold (ROS), Solstice Gold (SGC) and Radisson Mining (RDS). He holds a CFA and graduated with great distinction from the John Molson School of Business (Concordia University) in 2003.

0:00 Introduction
0:39 Assessing a Jr miner training at a discount to value
6:00 Why Dave & Michael inject supportive and catalytic capital into junior miners
10:39 Look at the track record of “strategic resource investor”
11:59 Current market psychology and flow of funds
15:46 Some juniors trading at cash in the bank
16:51 Would you invest in a privateCo now?
20:35 Assessing jurisdictional risk
24:25 Mining is getting more difficult in all jurisdictions
27:04 Selling at the right price
31:57 Price targets of analysts useful?
33:27 Seeing through your own inherent bias
38:20 Strategy to minimize the role emotions play in speculating
42:47 Learn from your mistakes

2 Responses on “Pro Mining Investors David Lotan & Michael Gentile Share Insights, Tips & Advice (45-min roundtable)”

Mike Horner says:

Hello Bill,
I love all your shows, but this one was super helpful. You do get great people on your show!
at the 30:34 minute mark, David mentioned either Trillium or Trillion. I think you’re invested in both, or at least did shows covering them. Which was David referencing with you today? I own a fair amount of Trillium Gold, but missed out o Trillion Energy.

Thanks for the great service you provide. It’s topnotch!


Bill Powers says:

Hi Mike,
Thanks Mike. Dave mentioned Trillion Energy. All the best.