Not Yet Time to Load Up on Gold Stocks says Analyst Chris Temple

Mining Stock Education · Not Yet Time to Load Up on Gold Stocks says Analyst Chris Temple

In this interview analyst Chris Temple shares that the gold price could still see a significant drop and therefore it is not time yet to load up on gold stocks.  He discusses the two possible scenarios that will cause a gold bottom and talks about why he is bullish on the U.S. dollar right now.  Chris also offers commentary on the positive role the new U.S. secretary of energy Jennifer Granholm can play in the U.S. mining industry but also warns of how the Biden administration has already hindered the U.S. mining industry.  Furthermore, he shares what to look for and what to look out for regarding junior mining IPOs.

Chris Temple is editor and publisher of The National Investor. He has had a more than three-decade career in various areas of the financial services industry. Temple is a ought-after guest on radio stations all across America, as well as a sought-after speaker for organizations. His commentaries and some of his recommendations have appeared in Barron’s, Forbes, the Dick Davis Digest, Investors’ Digest,,, and numerous other media.

0:00 Introduction

0:55 Has gold bottomed?

4:18 One of two scenarios will cause gold bottom

6:58 Bullish USD

8:38 Oil

11:56 Inflated asset prices now

13:51 EV adoption in the U.S.

19:32 Junior mining IPOs

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