2021 Commodities Outlook with Expert Paul Robinson

Mining Stock Education · 2021 Commodities Outlook with Expert Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson has over 25 years’ experience in commodity industries working across the metals, mining and power sectors.  Paul is a director with the CRU Group which offers business intelligence on the global metals, mining and fertilizer industries through market analysis, price assessments, consultancy and events.  In this interview, Paul shares his 2021 commodities outlook on the precious metals, base metals, battery metals, oil, iron ore and fertilizer sectors.

0:00 Introduction

1:27 Silver

7:27 Gold

8:52 What are you most bullish on?

13:03 Is there one commodity’s outlook that changed most for CRU Group due to a Biden presidency?

15:32 How do you factor in political and societal unrest to your supply/demand forecasts?

19:04 Copper over $4/lb in 2021?

22:28 Nickel

26:39 Iron Ore

28:18 Oil

30:54 Lithium

32:20 Cobalt

33:56 Aluminum

35:09 Fertilizers

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