Ben Kramer-Miller: Ninety Percent of My Mining Portfolio is Royalty Companies Now

Ben Kramer-Miller of MiningWealth Capital LLC is an entrepreneur, consultant, analyst and investor in the junior mining sector.  In this interview, Ben shares why and how he got started in the mining sector.  He describes his approach to investing in mining stocks and discusses some common investment pitfalls to avoid.  Right now, ninety percent of Ben’s portfolio is positioned in royalty companies with Sandstorm Gold Royalties making up the largest position size.

0:05 Introduction

0:52 Ben’s background and how he got involved in the junior mining sector

4:44 What is MiningWealth Capital LLC?

5:32 Ben’s approach to mining investment

9:01 Discussing Ben’s investments in royalty companies

15:55 Investment criteria for high-risk/high-reward mining stocks

18:01 Ben’s favorite mining jurisdiction/region

21:34 Expectations for gold mining sector over next 3 years

23:46 Investing mistakes observed from last gold mining upcycle

26:22 An exploration company Ben likes

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